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Emotional Allergy: The Shadow self we are repulsed by

Emotional Allergy: The Shadow self we are repulsed by

To extend this discussion of allergy slightly out of its normal boundaries and to reinforce the importance of understanding that different definitions to the same word do not bring argument into who is right, but that we can look at multiple perspectives on the same idea and all contributions have a value and a vbalidity.

Emotional allergy as a concept is one that can be found in aspects of psychotherpay that deal with Shadow projection and the unhealthy dissociation it creates rather than a healthy differentiation as we move past that stage of being. As defined by Jung, the Shadow is all of those unwanted and undesirable aspects of ourselves that we attempt to discard but which never the less follow us as our own Shadow. Its the person we'd rather not be. These pathologies or fracture can then end up either as addictions; things we can let go of, or allergies; things we are repulsed by and can't own.

Are we really removing 'blockages' from our clients?

Are we really removing 'blockages' from our clients?

While working yesterday I started to have an interesting thought process; are we really removing blockages from our clients? There is a part of me that is beginning to think not. This goes a long with a previous post Should we be trying to balance our clients? Where I was looking at the concept of balance and what it means. Here I want to discuss a thought I was having yesterday that we are not really removing blockages, or rather does such a thing as a 'blockage' really exist. Having been looking more at Integral Anatomy through Gil Hedley's model, I am inclined to think that perhaps our term blockage is misleading and doesn't really reflect what the body has created in order to cope with a trauma or event.

Allergies: How can we manage them?

Allergies: How can we manage them?

In this post on the series about allergy we will look at some of the ways in which you can manage allergies. This area of support is often over looked by the conventional medical approach which is either drug or avoid. There are other things that can be done to change the likelyhood of reactions that are drug free.