Gravity and Meditation

Gravity and Meditation

Ben talks about his recent awareness of how using his Gravity Life Cradle before his evening meditation, has not only been improving how his neck and spine feel, helping him mange pain and inflammation, but have been contributing to deeper states and more enriching practice of meditation.

Grounding: How do we do it? Pt 3: Active ways of Grounding

Grounding: How do we do it? Pt 3: Active ways of Grounding

So having given you a few basic ways of grounding the previous posts, I now want to expand on the ways of actively grounding yourself. That is methods where you are actively and consciously doing an act of grounding rather than passively allowing something else to assist you in grounding. The passive methods will be covered in a later post. 

Grounding: What do we get for it - growth.

Grounding: What do we get for it - growth.

So far in this series we have been looking at grounding; what it is, what happens without it and how to do it. So the logical question to follow on from this is 'what do we get for our efforts?' No one really wants to engage into a practice that they see no benefit in. Its all well and good for me to point out what you might be experiencing if you are ungrounded, but what else do we get if we correct that imbalance?