The Power of Qigong - Interview by Laura of Transforming you Live

The Power of Qigong - Interview by Laura of Transforming you Live

The Power of Qigong - Interview by Laura of Transforming you Live

In this episode, I was really grateful to be interviewed by Laura Macfrom Transforming You Live to talk about LifeForce Qigong.
We touched on a few other aspects of my work, including Bowen Technique, Kinesiology and Epigenetics as well as the qigong.
As you all know Qi Gong is the deeper passion, that enriches my life and therefore my interaction in the world around me which therefore has a benefit on everyone else’s life as well.

I talk about life in relation to ‘Listening to the feedback, the noise that is constantly being produced by my body anyway, and trimming the sails adjusting oversteer and understeer it’s those simple ways that help me’

Listen to "The Power of Qi Gong With Ben Calder" on Spreaker.


You can hear the original interview here

You can connect to Laura's work here

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