McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release: MSTR | Services
Mcloughlin Scar Tissue Release or MSTR is a revolutionary new technique for changing the nature and effect of scars and scar tissue on the body and mind.
It was developed by body worker and Bowen Technique teacher Alastair Mcloughlin for use on post-surgical scarring from either accidents, trauma or elective surgery. The technique helps to release the limitations caused by the formation of the scar tissue, often allow the body to reabsorb significant amounts of the old scar tissue and restore the function of the tissue to more normal levels.
This technique is effective on any established scar tissue no matter how old the scar is. The oldest scar effective and successfully worked on so far has been 92 years old.
By gently releasing the fibers of the scar tissue, the body can quite radically change the structure of the tissue. The scar can often become significantly softer and paler. It will often lead to release of trapped nerve fibers, the re-establishment of blood flow and circulation and the improvement of lymph drainage to the area. Scars can cause a pulling or dragging sensation which can actually cause postural distortions at it worst
MSTR can effectively be used to help change:
- Numbness or desensitisation of the scar or surrounding tissue.
- Pain
- Hypersensitivity
- Burning
- Itching
- Nausea
- Discolouration, texture and other physical appearance issues
- Disconnection between upper and lower body (especial for C-Section and hysterectomy scars) and other parts of the body
Scars can also hold a lot of emotional trauma from the causative event, they are a permanent physical reminder of a traumatic moment for the body. MSTR can help to release the embedded trauma and help the body to process it.
The psychological impact of scars can be deep, leading to
- Low self-esteem and loss of confidence
- Sleep disturbances
- Loss of libido/sex drive
- Anxiety, depression and PTSD
- Anger
- Fear
- Self-loathing and self-image problems
- Psychological disconnection from that part of the body
Throughout an MSTR session, you as the person receiving the treatment remain in complete control. There is no minimum amount that we must complete. If at any point you are feeling like you have reached a threshold that you do not want to go beyond at that point, or don't want the procedure to continue, we can stop without any detrimental outcome to the treatment. For some people the effect of releasing a scar can be emotionally and physically very intense, so it is always done at a level that is acceptable to the person receiving it. I will always be guided by you as to what is ok.
MSTR can be used effectively with many types of scar including:
- Caesarian section scars
- Hysterectomy scars
- Spinal surgery scars
- Trauma scars such as those typically found on the knee
- Head wound scars
- Mastectomy scars etc…
- Amputation scars
- Underlying scar tissue from laparoscopic surgery
It can be used in a whole range of problems where underlying fibrous tissue is present:
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Certain cases of frozen shoulder
- Sports injuries (such as quadriceps and hamstring tears)
- Axillary Web Syndrome (AWS)
- Underlying scar tissue from surgeries or tissue traumas
- Any areas of dense fibrous tissue
The technique can be applied anytime from 8 weeks after the creation of a new incision, once the scar tissue has fully formed. Any fragile skin around a scar must be allowed to fully heal before the technique is applied. In some cases this might mean waiting up to 24 weeks or more for the scar to fully heal. But don't worry, there is no maximum time period that a scar can be worked on.
We cannot work with scars from implantation of inorganic material such as that of surgical mesh, or with items such as cochlear implants, titanium implants, screws, plates and staples. We also do not work on porta-caths, insulin pumps, pacemakers or DBS devices for Parkinson's.
We can work on any scar weekly and the number of sessions you need will depend on the size and nature of any scar. Many will see significant improvements from a single session.