Meditation | Services
Meditation: It's better than just sitting around doing nothing!
We live in a world where we are increasingly being asked to use our brains in more and more complex ways, with significantly increased stimulation. Is this bringing us greater quality of life? It could be argued not.
Having meditated since 1990, and sitting more formally in Zazen using the Big Mind process of Genpo Roshi since 2010, I can say without doubt that it is one of the greatest gifts to my life for keeping my mind peaceful, creating space internally (especially when it is lacking externally) and for helping my brain to function with greater capacity.
The meditation process that I lead is a Zen based integral practice that allows us to break a lot of rules or restrictions associated with meditation such as you must be seated, wear white, conform to a particular religious or spiritual view. And allows us to get back to the basics of just allowing ourselves to have time to BE. We are, after all, human BEINGS, not DOINGS.
The practices I offer are simple and accessible to all and can be experienced as part of our regular monthly group, in private 1-2-1 guided sessions or in corporate situations. Please contact me for more details.