My Interview with Jonathan Damonte on Homeopathy and Bowen Technique

My Interview with Jonathan Damonte on Homeopathy and Bowen Technique

My Interview with Jonathan Damonte on Homeopathy and Bowen Technique

In the next series of interviews with prominent teachers and thinkers in the Bowen Technique, I am excited to share our latest interview with Canadian Bowen teacher and Homeopath Jonathan Damonte.

Jonathan has been involved in the founding of Bowen Canada and the Bowen Therapy Clinics, the North American Bowen Teaching College and Bowen Online. He is a registered homeopath and has created the training portal Homeopathy Simplified for people to understand how they can use homeopathy in an easy way.

In this episode, we talk about how Jonathan came to the world of Bowen and how his interest in homeopathy has informed his approach to working with Bowen Technique and how he combines the two disciplines to create better outcomes for his clients.

For anyone who has wondered about how Bowen and Homeopathy integrate and how we can get past that basic idea we are often given in Bowen training that the two are compatible, without being given a framework to integrate the two, then dive in.


Listen to "Interviewing Jonathan Damonte on Homeopathy and Bowen Technique" on Spreaker.

You can learn more about Jonathan and his work here

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